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tye undeploy


tye undeploy - Removes a deployed application from Kubernetes.


tye undeploy [-?|-h|--help] [-n|--namespace <n>] [-i|--interactive] [-v|--verbosity <Debug|Info|Quiet>] [--tags <tags>] [--what-if] [<PATH>]


The tye undeploy command will delete a deployed application from Kubernetes. tye undeploy by default will:

  • List all resources that are part of an application
  • Print the list of resources (what-if)
  • Offer a choice to delete each resource (interactive)
  • Delete each resource (if applicable)

tye undeploy chooses the Kubernetes namespace to operate in according to the following priority:

  • The value of --namespace passed at the command line
  • The value of namespace configured in tye.yaml (if present)
  • The Kubernetes namespace for the current context

💡 Use kubectl config view --minify --output 'jsonpath={..namespace}' to view the current namespace.

Undeploy decides which resources to delete based on the label. This label will be set to the application name for all resources created by Tye. tye undeploy does not rely on the list of services in tye.yaml or a solution file.

💡 The tye undeploy command uses your local Kubernetes context to access the Kubernetes cluster. Make sure kubectl is configured to manage your cluster before running tye undeploy.



The path to either a file or directory to execute tye undeploy on. Can either be a yaml, sln, or project file, however it is recommend to have a tye.yaml file for tye undeploy.

If a directory path is specified, tye undeploy will default to using these files, in the following order:

  • tye.yaml
  • *.sln
  • *.csproj/*.fsproj


  • -n|--namespace

    Specifies the Kubernetes namespace for deployment. Overrides a namespace value set in tye.yaml.

  • -i|--interactive

    Does an interactive undeploy that will prompt for deletion of each resource.

  • -v|--verbosity <Debug|Info|Quiet>

    The verbosity of logs emitted by tye undeploy. Defaults to Info.

  • --tags <tags>

    Filter the group of running services by tag.

  • --what-if

    Print each resource instead of deleting.


  • Delete a deployed application from the current directory:

    tye undeploy
  • Delete a deployed application with interactive input:

    tye undeploy --interactive
  • Display the resources that would be deleted by an undeploy operation:

    tye undeploy --what-if