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tye run


tye run - Runs the application.


tye run [-?|-h|--help] [--no-build] [--port <port>] [--logs <logs>] [--dtrace <trace>] [--metrics <metrics>] [--debug <service>] [--docker] [--dashboard] [--watch <service>] [-f|--framework <framework>] [--tags <tags>] [-v|--verbosity <Debug|Info|Quiet>] [<PATH>]


The tye run command will run an application locally. tye run by default will:

  • Start all services/projects in the application.
  • Start a dashboard at http://localhost:8000 to view all services running in the application.



The path to either a file or directory to run tye run on. Can either be a yaml, sln, or project file.

If a directory path is specified, tye run will default to using these files, in the following order:

  • tye.yaml
  • *.sln
  • *.csproj/*.fsproj


  • --no-build

    Does not build projects before running.

  • --port <port>

    The port to run the dashboard on. Defaults to port 8000 if not specified.

  • --logs <logs>

    Write structured application logs to the specified log providers. Supported providers are console, elastic (Elasticsearch), ai (ApplicationInsights), seq.

  • --dtrace <trace>

    Write distributed traces to the specified providers. Supported providers are zipkin.

  • --debug <service>

    Waits for debugger attach to dotnet service. Specify * to wait to attach to all dotnet services.

  • --docker

    Run projects as docker containers.

  • --dashboard

    Launch dashboard on run.

  • --watch <service>

    Watches for file changes in a dotnet project that is built by tye. Uses dotnet watch to monitor for file changes. Specify * to watch all dotnet services.

  • -f|--framework <framework>

    The target framework hint to use for all cross-targeting projects with multiple TFMs. This value must be a valid target framework for each individual cross-targeting project. Non-crosstargeting projects will ignore this hint and the value TFM configured in tye.yaml will override this hint.

  • --tags <tags>

    Filter the group of running services by tag.

  • --verbosity <verbosity>

    Sets the output verbosity of the process. Possible values are

    • debug - display all logs that the process outputs
    • info - display only informational logs
    • quiet - display only warnings and errors

    The default value is info


  • Run an application in the current directory:

    tye run
  • Run an application where the dashboard is hosted on another port:

    tye run --port 5050
  • Run an application and wait for all projects to debug attach:

    tye run --debug *